Welcome to my Journey


Emotional abuse is mental torture.

For me …. it was akin to placing all that you are (or were) into the grip of an anaconda; the more you thrash and fight (for who you are and what you stood for) , the tighter it’s grip becomes… until you give up, your muscles relax , your breathing slows … and you hand your emotions , thoughts , beliefs and self value over … just to make it stop.

Emotional abuse is highly underestimated, yet it is responsible for significant psychological trauma and mental scaring , leaving behind an empty shell , encased with self-doubt , diminished self-esteem , depression and anxiety.

This blog has sprouted from well enriched soil , filled with self-doubt , pain and a broken heart. This is my personal account of a 12 year cycle of emotional abuse and my fight to find ME again. I aim to tell my story as it unfolds , whilst educating others (and myself) about the nature of emotional abuse , the personality traits of the main offenders , whilst I take you with me on my journey to healing … Welcome to Finding ME….

“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.” – Aisha Mirza

4 thoughts on “Welcome to my Journey

  1. Well done for writing your story and in a way mine. It makes me feel less alone and less crazy!
    Keep going, you inspire me to share my story as well (some day). You’re wonderfully brave even if you dont always feel like it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Than you for sharing your story. It helps yo know that others are dealing with the same feelings. That maybe it’s not all in my head…


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